We provide a range of training/INSET options for all settings:
Early Years Providers Primary & Secondary
Colleges and FE institutions Teacher Training Providers
Public and Private sectors inc Charities; Social Care Providers
We provide virtual, live or recordings of training sessions in a variety of specialised areas of SEND including:
- An Introduction to the Role of a Teaching Assistant in Mainstream Schools (New for 2023)
- Administrating and Organising Access Arrangements Testing for GCSEs (New for 2023)
- Developing the Use of ICT & Other Technology for Children with Learning Differences (New for 2023)
- Meeting Statutory SEND Requirements and Preparing for OfSTED (Updated annually)
- Planning Your Year as SENCO (Updated Annully)
- New for 2022 – Planning and Monitoring Curricula Using the Engagement Model and Pre Key Stage Indicators
- New for 2022 – Recognising Learners who are Anxious or Depressed and Supporting their Mental Well-Being
- Enabling Learners with SEND to make Progress with their Writing (New for 2021)
- Implementing the SEN Code of Practice – Your Responsibilities
- Classteachers’ Responsibilities for Children with SEND
- Effective Use of SEND Funding
- Writing Your Annual SEN Information Report, DSEN Policy and Action Plan Workshop
- Understanding and Teaching Children with Autism
- Understanding and Supporting Learners with Sensory Processing Difficulties in the Masinstream Classroom
- Understanding and Teaching Children with Pathological Demand Avoidance
- Identifying and Supporting Learners with ADHD
- Removing Barriers to Learning
- Identifying and Supporting Learners on the Dyslexic Spectrum
- Administering and Interpreting the Dyslexia Screening Test.
- Understanding Dyscalculia and Supporting Learners who find Numbers Difficult.
- Understanding and Supporting Learners with Dyspraxia
- Phonological Awareness – Identification and Intervention
- Identifying & Supporting Learners with Processing and/or Working Memory Difficulties
- Enabling Leaners with SEND to Make Progress in Writing.
- Planning, Delivering & Monitoring Effective Intetventions in Schools
- Leading and Measuring the Impact of Interventions
- Understanding and Supporting Children with Attachment Difficulties
- Classroom Strategies for Supporting Children with Additional Needs
- Supporting Speech and Language Needs in Mainstream Classes
- Understanding Complex and Profound Disabilities and Special Educational Needs
- Supporting Children with Mental Health Needs
- Managing Behaviour that Challenges
- Supporting Learners with Speech and Learning Difficulties
- We are able to create bespoke training packages for: Whole School; Teaching Staff; Support staff; Senior Leaders; SENCos Parents; ITT/NQT
‘This rates as one of the most useful, clear and direct training courses I have attended in 15years! Thank you.’ C. Luxford, Headteacher/SENCo, Milton Abbot School, Tavistock
‘Wow! Thank you, thank you! Offer and policy done- you have saved me hours!’
T.Wilkes SENCo, Mylor Bridge School, Cornwall. (Re SEN Code of Practice Workshop)