We provide a range of training/INSET options for all settings:
Early Years Providers Primary & Secondary
Colleges and FE institutions Teacher Training Providers
Public and Private sectors inc Charities; Social Care Providers
We provide virtual, live or recordings of training sessions in a variety of specialised areas of SEND including:
- Developing Emotional Self-RegulationSkills in Learners with SEND. (New for 2025)
- Effective Use of Visuals to Support a Range of SEN in Mainstream Schools (New for 2024)
- Understanding and Supporting Children (and their parents) with School-Based Anxiety (New for 2024)
- Understanding and Supporting Learners with Down’s Syndrom ( short course) ( New for 2024)
An Introduction to the Role of a Teaching Assistant in Mainstream Schools (New for 2023)
- Developing the Use of ICT & Other Technology for Children with Learning Differences (New for 2023)
Administrating and Organising Access Arrangements Testing for GCSEs (New for 2023)
Meeting Statutory SEND Requirements and Preparing for OfSTED (Updated annually)
- Planning Your Year as SENCO (Updated Annully)
- New for 2022 – Planning and Monitoring Curricula Using the Engagement Model and Pre Key Stage Indicators
- New for 2022 – Recognising Learners who are Anxious or Depressed and Supporting their Mental Well-Being
- Enabling Learners with SEND to make Progress with their Writing (New for 2021)
- Implementing the SEN Code of Practice – Your Responsibilities
- Classteachers’ Responsibilities for Children with SEND
- Effective Use of SEND Funding
- Writing Your Annual SEN Information Report, DSEN Policy and Action Plan Workshop
- Understanding and Teaching Children with Autism
- Understanding and Supporting Learners with Sensory Processing Difficulties in the Masinstream Classroom
- Understanding and Teaching Children with Pathological Demand Avoidance
- Identifying and Supporting Learners with ADHD
- Removing Barriers to Learning
- Identifying and Supporting Learners on the Dyslexic Spectrum
- Administering and Interpreting the Dyslexia Screening Test.
- Understanding Dyscalculia and Supporting Learners who find Numbers Difficult.
- Understanding and Supporting Learners with Dyspraxia
- Phonological Awareness – Identification and Intervention
- Identifying & Supporting Learners with Processing and/or Working Memory Difficulties
- Enabling Leaners with SEND to Make Progress in Writing.
- Planning, Delivering & Monitoring Effective Intetventions in Schools
- Leading and Measuring the Impact of Interventions
- Understanding and Supporting Children with Attachment Difficulties
- Classroom Strategies for Supporting Children with Additional Needs
- Supporting Speech and Language Needs in Mainstream Classes
- Understanding Complex and Profound Disabilities and Special Educational Needs
- Supporting Children with Mental Health Needs
- Managing Behaviour that Challenges
- Supporting Learners with Speech and Learning Difficultie
- We are able to create bespoke training packages for: Whole School; Teaching Staff; Support staff; Senior Leaders; SENCos Parents; ITT/NQT
‘This rates as one of the most useful, clear and direct training courses I have attended in 15years! Thank you.’ C. Luxford, Headteacher/SENCo, Milton Abbot School, Tavistock
‘I wanted to let you both know how useful it has been. I have been a SENCO for 10 years in 4 settings. I have found your training to be the most useful training I’ve had since NASENCo.It’s been such great training,’ Jamie Thomson, Head of School, St. Mary’s CE Primary,Timsbury.