Courses and Events


Training Courses Dates Outcomes Cost

Understanding & Supporting Children whose Behaviour is Challenging

*This course can be accessed via the live zoom session on the date or as  a recording

Fri 10th November



1:00pm – 4:00pm

You will gain:

–        An understanding of why some children demonstrate behaviour that is challenging.

–         How to support children with their behaviour challenges

–        An ability to recognise how behaviour can escalate

–         Strategies to be able to de-escalate challenging behaviours



 per person

10% reduction for schools booking two or more places

Understanding and Supporting Sensory Processing Needs in a Mainstream Setting


*This course can be accessed via the live zoom session on the date or as  a recording


Fri 24th November



1:00pm – 4:00pm


You will gain:

●      Understanding of sensory processing and difficulties that impact on learning

●       Knowledge of why some children have sensory needs

●       Strategies for addressing the needs of children with sensory processing difficulties in the classroom.

●       Knowledge of additional interventions to address sensory needs for individual children


 per person

10% reduction for schools booking two or more places

Understanding and Supporting Children whose Learning is Affected by Dyspraxia


*This course can be accessed via the live zoom session on the date or as  a recording

Fri 8th December



1pm – 4pm

You will gain:

·       An understanding of what dyspraxia is and how it might affect learners

·       An ability to recognise learners who have dyspraxia

·       Strategies to support learners with dyspraxia so they can reach their full potential



per person

10% reduction for schools booking two or more places


Planning Your Year as SENCo

Delivered over 3 sessions: Thursday 13th, 21st, 28th September, 3:30pm to 5:30pm.  £80 per person.

You will gain:

  • An understanding of how to write an effective SEN Action Plan for 2023/24
  • A clear understanding of the SEN Code of Practice 2015 and your responsibilities as a SENCo including OfSTED expectations.
  • An initial understanding of the changes to come following the publication of the SEND & AP Improvement Plan: Right Support. Right Place, Right Time.
  • Templates for the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle
  • Strategies for planning interventions and measuring their impact
  • Ideas for effective monitoring of progress

An Introduction to the Role of Teaching Assistant – Primary and Secondary mainstrem.

Delivered over 5 sessions:  Monday 11th, 18th, 25th September, 2nd, 9th October, 1:30pm to 3:30pm.  £125 per person (multiple booking discount available – please contact for a quote).

You will gain:

  • A knowledge of initial strategies for supporting learning in the classroom
  • The importance of relationship-building
  • An understanding of how to support children with specific learning needs
  • An understanding and strategies to support behaviours that challenge in the classroom
  • How to run effective small group or 1:1 interventions successfully.


Online Course Dates Outcomes Cost

*New for 2023*

An Introduction to the Role of a Teaching Assistant in Mainstream Schools

(This is a four-part course)


This course can be accessed via the live zoom sessions on the dates or as recordings(or a mixture of both)

Fri 13th January 2023

Fri 20th January



Fri 27th January



Fri 3rd February



1.30pm – 3.30pm


You will gain:


·       A knowledge of initial strategies for supporting learning in the classroom

·       The importance of relationship-building

·       An understanding of how to support children with specific learning needs

·       An understanding and strategies to support behaviours that challenge in the classroom

·       How to run effective small group or 1:1 interventions successfully.


£100 per



10% reduction for schools booking two places.

For more than two places contact us for to negotiate further discount.

*New for 2023*

Administrating and Organising Access Arrangements Testing for GCSEs

*This course can be accessed via the live zoom sessions on the dates or as a  recording

Wed 1st February 2023


3:30pm – 5:00pm

You will gain:


· A clear understanding of how to identify students that require Access Arrangements

· Knowledge of how to gather evidence of ‘normal way of working.’

· Knowledge of JCQ requirements regarding access arrangements testing and requests

· An understanding of communicating with parents





£25 per




Understanding and Supporting Learners with Autism.



*This course can be accessed via the live zoom session on the date or as a recording





Thurs 2nd March 2023


12:30pm – 4:30pm

You will gain:


Ø A greater understanding of Autism as a spectrum of conditions.

Ø Increased awareness of the behaviours and their causes, associated with Autism, (including PDA)

Ø Knowledge of how Autism often presents differently in girls

Ø Strategies for addressing and supporting the needs, and harnessing the strengths of learners with Autism Spectrum Conditions in the classroom.





per person

10% reduction for schools booking two or more places

Meeting SEND Statutory  Requirements and Preparing for OfSTED

(2-part course)

Please note: if you have completed the Planning Your Year as SENCo training with us, the content of this course is very similar

*This course can be accessed via the live zoom sessions on the dates or as  recordings(or a mixture of both)



Thurs 16th March 2023




Thurs 23rd March



3:15pm – 5:15pm




You will gain:


●      A clear understanding of the SEN Code of Practice 

●      An understanding of how to meet the SEND requirements of the new Education Inspection Framework.

●      Knowledge of national data and how to analyse your setting data and information to inform provision

●      An Action Plan to ensure Ofsted readiness



£60 total per person

10% reduction for schools booking two or more places

*New for 2023*

Developing the Use of ICT & Other Technology for Children with Learning Differences

*This course can be accessed via the live zoom session on the date or as  a recording





Fri 28th April



1:00pm – 4:00pm

You will gain:


·       Knowledge of the use of Accessibility Tools

·       An understanding of the effective use of alternative recording methods

·       An understanding of how to develop a whole-school approach to using ICT to support learning differences.







 per person

10% reduction for schools booking two or more places

Courses can be booked by phone or by email.  Contact details available on Contact Page