M i s s i o n S t a t e m e n t
‘To provide high quality, timely support for educational establishments, ensuring that barriers to learning are broken down and all young people are encouraged and supported to be happy, confident, well-rounded individuals who reach their full potential.’
We are Sue Plechowicz and Tracey Foster and together we run SEN Services Southwest. Established in 2014, we provide education establishments with consultancy services, assessments of pupils and training for staff.
We are qualified psychologists, teachers and SENCos with a combined experience of over forty years working in education and have a profound understanding of how to support children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs, and their families. We have a wide range of knowledge of SEND provision and support in EYFS, Primary and Secondary settings, as well as of the SEN Code of Practice.
We are passionate about ensuring that children and young people with SEND receive the best possible provision, enabling them to achieve their potential by making accelerated progress and narrowing any gaps between them and their peers. We understand the immense job that SENCos, Senior Leaders and Class-teachers are asked to do in order to achieve this and aim to provide assistance and support in a variety of ways, allowing education providers to access a complete package of assessment, training and consultancy from a single provider.
From March 2019, we are proud to be a ‘Preferred Partner’ of CAPH, The Cornwall Headteachers’ Primary Headteacher Association.